7 Tips for crafting a strong subject line

7 Tips for crafting a strong subject line

Is email marketing part of your promotional program? If so, then you’re aware how important a well-crafted subject line is. Because if your email is not seen and opened, than the promotion is a complete bust, regardless of how beautiful the design or how compelling the message.

The importance of a subject line when crafting an email can be easily overlooked. After all, it’s just one line. The email itself is where most of the magic happens. However, without an effective subject line, only the most motivated customers will open your email to see what’s inside, if you’re lucky.

Many worry about their ability to write persuasive copy when composing and designing and email promotion, but persuasion should not be the main objective; it should be clarity. Think about, when the email is clear and concise, clarity becomes persuasion.

One way to approach subject lines is to think of them as thought sequences. The most effective subject lines emphasize the “what you get” and imply “what will be asked.”

Think of questions when thinking about your subject lines. These questions can then be used as seven when crafting your email subject lines.

It’s also important to use the right words, in the right order when preparing your subject line.

Be Specific

Avoid using broad term and get to the point! Don’t be vague. Use specific words. Also works great in day to day life J

Provide Clarity

Are you being clear instead of trying to be persuasive? Take off your “promoter” hat and be clear and concise.

Use Point-first structure

Regardless of your message, make sure the subject line is the first point you discuss.

Message your value proposition

Does your subject line represent an authentic value proposition?

Present benefits vs. ask for your audience to do something

Do you lead with the “get this or get that”? Offer a solution to a problem.

Focus on point-of-value

Is the point-of-value introduced in the first 2 words?

Build up to the open

Is the logical next step in the thought sequence to open the email? That is the objective after all.
With the flow and structure above in drafting your subject line, your email open rates should increase significantly and get the impressions you’re looking for.