Why Social Media SEO Matters
You know SEO. You’ve probably already invested in it, developed content around it, and even depended on it for developing your website. But are you using those same strategies on social media? Here are a few reasons why you should be optimizing your social media content.
Credit: Photo by Merakist on Unsplash
Social media does not directly rank for SEO, but that doesn’t mean you should be ignoring SEO on social altogether. Keep reading to find out why.
Social Media Links Can Rank in Google
SEO can help new users find you on the web, even if social channels don’t affect your website’s ranking. Social media content itself does rank in Google so when users are searching keywords related to your business, you can rank through your social posts on Google. This means it’s crucial to optimize all of the content you share, across all mediums and platforms.
Bing Takes Social SEO Into Consideration
Bing is a huge search engine and they have been very clear about one thing: their algorithm takes social content and backlinks into consideration in their search queries. By incorporating social signals (like number of shares and interactions on your SEO-friendly posts), your SEO social content can help boost your website’s ranking on Bing.
YouTube is a Keyword-Friendly Platform
If you’re not optimizing your YouTube content, you’re missing a huge piece of the puzzle. YouTube is a giant search engine that is more frequently used than Yahoo. Users will often search content by keywords, not hashtags. All of the content you upload to YouTube should be SEO-friendly content that helps users find you and your amazing content quicker.
Brand Awareness
Boosting brand awareness and branding are achieved through consistency. That means consistent messaging and consistent keywords. This will help give your social profiles and your website more authority, which not only boosts your Google rank but encourages brand loyalty.
And Finally…Because Things Change
Though Social Media SEO may not be a primary ranking factor for Google today, that doesn’t mean it never will be. Optimizing all of your content ensures your brand and your social platforms will be ready to rank should Google change the way they evaluate social signals in their ranking algorithm (similar to Bing). Right now, Google will rank your actual profiles. In the future, they may be able to boost your website ranking via your social SEO strategy.